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The choice of your cat tree is massive, from the tiny scratching posts to the castles, but if you know a little about the PHYSIOLOGY of cats, it will be much easier for you to choose your cat tree, one which will last for a long time, which will be suitable for your cat, and which will protect your furniture. What do you need to pay attention to if you are choosing your cat tree?

First of all, you need to pay attention to the height of the cat tree. If you are not a cat breeder and you do not have any kittens (which are 4 – 8 weeks), the height of your scratching post needs to be higher than 50cm (19.6 inches). A scratching post, which has the height of 30 – 40 cm, is uncomfortable to scratch for the average cat, as they can reach much higher. The ideal height for a scratching post is 80cm, but we recommend Maine Coons (a type of cat) to have 100cm of height.

Another important thing is that your cat tree needs to be stable and the size of the bedding needs to be a correct size. An average cat can’t fit into a 30x30 cm bed while lying down unless they are sitting up. We recommend a diameter of 42cm for the average cat, and 50cm for the bigger ones, for example, Maine Coons.

Cats understand space vertically as much as they do horizontally, so it is important for the cat to be able to climb higher, so you will need to think about getting a cat tree with multiple floors; however, this can be more expensive. One of the most favorite things that cats like is round hammocks.

Your cat tree will last longer if it‘s made with the wide rope. We use cotton rope and sisal rope, which is natural and organic. Cotton rope looks nicer and doesn‘t wear as much when cats scratch it. Some species of cats prefer rope made of cotton, while others prefer rope made of sisal.

Moreover, when you choose your cat tree, you will need to think about how you will clean it – for example, if you can wash the pillows, or if you will have to use a vacuum cleaner.

Here‘s a quick test before choosing your cat tree.

1. Is at least 1 of your posts higher than 50cm?

2. How will you clean your cat tree?

3. What is the size of the bedding?

4. Is there a hammock on the cat tree?